Charlotte Mason, an educator of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, was a visionary in the field of education. Her unique approach, as outlined in her essays and lectures, was collected and printed in six volumes known as The Home Education Series. These volumes encapsulate the entirety of the Charlotte Mason Educational Philosophy, a distinct and influential perspective in the field of education. 

Ms Mason was devoted to and led by her deep convictions of Biblical Truth. In Ms Mason’s Home Education Series, she elaborates on her twenty principles of education. Every principle is deeply rooted in Biblical truth and virtue. These principles, including the two we hold most dear- "Children are born persons" and "Education is the science of relations," are not just historical artifacts. They are timeless guides, standing the test of time and remaining as relevant today as they were in Miss Mason's era, forming the backbone of her philosophy.

Each of our directors believes that the use of Ms Mason's philosophy is paramount in educating the children that comes through Litera Academy's doors.

Amanda James, born in Hawaii during her father's military service, navigated various relocations before settling in Charleston, South Carolina. Driven by her experiences of feeling lost in the traditional schooling system, she pursued higher education with dedication, completing her Bachelor's in Music History in 2010. Balancing multiple jobs while studying, she displayed resilience and diligence. Amanda's diverse hobbies highlight her passion for self-learning and creativity. Committed to her early aspiration to be a mother and homeschool her future children, her vision extends beyond academics; she aims to establish a faith-centered homeschooling community, nurturing the next generation of thinkers and doers. She is excited to lead Litera Academy’s future. 

Erin Larson was raised in Charleston, SC and developed a strong interest in art and design at an early age, which ultimately led her to pursue a career in interior design. She earned her Bachelor of Fine Arts with a concentration in Interior Design from Winthrop University and gained 12 years of experience working for a local design firm. During the pandemic, Erin chose to homeschool her children and found a supportive community. Upon returning to Charleston, she was enthusiastic about joining and contributing to Litera Academy. Erin plays a crucial role as part of the Litera Team, where she provides meticulous attention to detail.

Jessy Plowman grew up loving learning but found her education unengaging. After homeschooling her children, she realized that the available curricula didn't align with her educational beliefs. That's when she found and fell in love with the Charlotte Mason educational philosophy. Jessy is passionate about the behind-the-scenes business and ensuring that Litera Academy is a thriving, faith-centered community.

Lilian Reyes, born in the Philippines and raised in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, is a homeschool mother, and artist. She was heavily involved in the Charleston Hiyas-Min Filipino Cultural Society and attended Winthrop University, where she received a Bachelor of Fine Arts. Lilian began homeschooling her three sons in 2013, inspired by Charlotte Mason's educational philosophy. She believes education should be an atmosphere, a discipline, and a life, and that all children are born persons. Lilian is dedicated to bringing her passion for the arts and a holistic education to Litera Academy.