Charlotte Mason

Charlotte Mason: Revolutionizing Education

Charlotte Mason was an educator and author whose philosophy of education emphasized the importance of a liberal education, character formation, and the role of living books in fostering children's intellectual and moral development. Her ideas were revolutionary at the time.

Early Life and Education

Born in England, Charlotte Mason was the daughter of a merchant. Orphaned at a young age, she attended a teacher training college in London, where her interest in educational theory and practice flourished. After completing her training, she worked as a governess and teacher before founding a school for children in Ambleside, England.

Philosophy of Education

Mason's experiences as a teacher led her to develop her philosophy of education, which she outlined in books and articles. She believed that children are born with an innate curiosity and should learn through direct encounters with the world. Her philosophy centered on cultivating intellectual, moral, and spiritual development rather than training for specific careers.

The Principles of Education

Mason's philosophy was grounded in twenty principles, with the cornerstone being that children are whole persons.

A Liberal Education for All

Mason advocated for a liberal education accessible to all children, regardless of social class or background. This inclusive approach deviated from the norms of her time and emphasized literature, history, science, mathematics, art, music, and foreign languages.

The Role of "Living Books"

Mason emphasized the importance of "living books" written by passionate authors in engaging children's interest and imagination. She believed in encouraging children to read widely and develop a lifelong love of learning.

Joyful Learning

Mason believed education should be a joyful, life-giving experience, rather than a chore. She advocated for allowing children to explore nature, pursue interests, and learn at their own pace while respecting their individuality and unique talents.

Continuing Influence

Charlotte Mason's philosophy continues to influence educators, particularly homeschoolers. A rich community dedicated to her ideals exists, with resources available for those interested in implementing her approach.

For a directory of resources on Charlotte Mason's philosophy, visit

Thought breeds thought; children familiar with great thoughts take as naturally to thinking for themselves as the well-nourished body takes to growing; and we must bear in mind that growth, physical, intellectual, moral, spiritual, is the sole end of education.