It’s more than a Book Discussion.

Join our community of homeschooling moms at the CMPEN Book Club, where three times a year, we embark on an insightful exploration of literature centered around the homeschool journey. More than a traditional book discussion, our Book Club is a workshop-style event designed to delve into the wisdom of each selected book, particularly focusing on the teachings of the Charlotte Mason philosophy. These gatherings offer an opportunity for moms to connect, learn, and be inspired by the collective wisdom of the homeschooling community. Whether you're a seasoned homeschooler or just starting the journey, our Book Club events are enriching experiences that nourish minds and empower the homeschooling adventure.

2024/25 Book Studies:

Know and Tell by Karen Glass (March)

Mother Culture by Karen Andreola (June)

In Vital Harmony by Karen Glass (September)

The Story of Charlotte Mason by Essex Cholmondeley (February)

Consider This by Karen Glass (April)

The Modern Miss Mason by Leha Boden (August)

Know and Tell: The Art of Narration by Karen Glass

March 21, 2024

Join for a workshop centered around Karen Glass's work, "Know and Tell." This event provides an opportunity for homeschooling moms to delve into the meat of the book, focusing on its teachings related to the Charlotte Mason philosophy. Participants are encouraged to read the book beforehand, although it's not a requirement. Our workshop is more than a simple discussion – it's an interactive session designed to unpack the key concepts, share perspectives, and inspire thoughtful reflections. We hope to see you there. RSVP at the link below.

“Narration, the art of telling, has been used as a pedagogical tool since ancient times. Over one hundred years ago, Charlotte Mason methodized narration and implemented it in scores of schools in Great Britain. Over the past few decades, educators in the US, mostly in home schools, have followed her guidelines with outstanding results.

This book discusses the theory behind the use of narration and then walks through the process from beginning to end, to show how simply "telling" is the foundation for higher-level thinking and writing.

While narration has grown popular among homeschoolers, it also works well in the classroom. In this book, you will find sample narrations and many resources to help you use narration with your students in any setting. If you've been wanting to try narration, but haven't felt confident enough to rely on an unfamiliar method, this book will give you the tools that you need to make the process easier.

People are narrating every day, and this book will show you how to make that natural activity a vital part of education that enhances children's relationship with knowledge and allows them to grow into skilled communicators.”

Karen Glass, Know and Tell (Karen Glass 2018), back cover.

Mother Culture: For a Happy Homeschool by Karen Andreola

“Mother Culture is the skillful art of how a mother looks after the ways of her household. With a “thinking love” she creates a culture in the home all her own.

A mother does a lot of taking care, so she needs to take care of herself, too. As a mother is feeding and cultivating the souls of her children, she is nourishing her own should with ideas, while taking a little time for her own play and creativity. Nourished and refreshed, she keeps growing closer to God and into the Christian woman God is designing her to be.

May you find the principles on these pages to be invigorating - especially if you have a low battery. May they strengthen you in your on-going efforts to create the happy home your heart desires.”

Karen Andreola, Mother Culture (Karen Andreola 2018), back cover.

Join the discussion on our CMPEN Community Group Page, a digital-only discussion of Mother Culture.

June 20, 2024

In Vital Harmony by Karen Glass

Charlotte Mason looked at the world and saw that it was governed by universal laws, such as the law of gravity. Then she wondered. What if there were similar laws that governed the way people learn? If we knew what those laws were, we’d be able to pursue education along the most promising lines.

She devoted her life to finding the key principles of education and then developing methods to make the most of them. The result is a comprehensive picture of living and learning that breathes life into education at every level - from babyhood to the adult years. It’s not a rote system, but a flexible set of ideas that keep education in focus.

These principles are for everyone concerned with teaching and learning. They are no more difficult to implement than the principle of gravity which allows you to walk, run, and even - when you know what you are doing - to soar.

©2019 Karen Glass (P)2020 Karen Glass

Karen Glass, In Vital Harmony (Karen Glass, 2020), back cover.

Join us at Gethsemane Baptist Church for an in-person book discussion.

September 28, 2024