What are Enrichments?

"Enrichments are the soul-nourishing facets of education, the vibrant threads that weave a tapestry of wonder and inspiration. They are the living books that transport the mind to distant lands and times, the stirring melodies that awaken the heart to the beauty of music, and the brushstrokes that unveil the world's wonders through art.

Through enrichments, we cultivate the imagination, kindle the spirit of curiosity, and ignite the flame of creativity. They are the poetry that sings to the soul, the nature walks that awaken a sense of wonder, and the handicrafts that nurture skill and craftsmanship.

Enrichments are not mere supplements to education but essential components that breathe life into the curriculum. They provide avenues for exploration, avenues for expression, and avenues for connection with the world and its wonders.

In the realm of enrichments, we find the true essence of education—a journey of discovery, delight, and growth. Let us embrace enrichments wholeheartedly, for they are the treasures that illuminate the path to a lifelong love of learning."

How our Schedule Works

Each Form will attend one enrichment per term of:

Tuesday: Studio Art, Life Skills A (Money & Career), and Music

Thursday: Art History, Handicrafts, Life Sills B (Personal & Household)

After attending these in their separate form, we all come together and participate in:

Tuesday: Shakespeare

Thursday: P.E. with only the form 3&4 students having the option for creative writing instead of P.E.


Studio Art:

Students will explore various artistic mediums, techniques, and concepts. Through hands-on projects, critical analysis, and creative experimentation, they will develop their skills and artistic voice. Courses may cover drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, and more, providing a comprehensive foundation in the visual arts. (11 Weeks)

Life Skills A- Money Skills and Career:

Practical and hands-on opportunities to develop age-appropriate financial habits. Activities will include money handling, budgeting, and smart financial decision-making strategies. Students will also have the chance to learn about careers from local professionals. Older students will work on resume writing and interview skills. (11 Weeks)


Join our music class to study composers, basic music theory, about various instruments and more and, for teens, a glimpse into musicology. Discover the diverse facets of music in a straightforward and engaging way! (11 Weeks)


Throughout the year, we explore the depth of Shakespearean drama by selecting one of his plays to engage with. As the day draws to a close, we gather together to watch a segment of the production, immersing ourselves in the captivating world of the play. Afterwards, we divide into our respective forms, where the journey continues with tailored activities and discussions that cater to the unique needs and interests of each group. This multifaceted approach ensures a comprehensive understanding and appreciation of Shakespeare's timeless works, fostering a deep connection with literature and theater among our students. Cultivating a profound appreciation for literature and theater within our student community. (33 Weeks)


Art History:

Exploring the visual arts across diverse cultures and historical periods by incorporating hands-on art projects. Students will examine the development of artistic styles, movements, and themes through engaging lessons, discussions, and visual analysis. From ancient civilizations to contemporary art practices, students will gain insight into the cultural contexts that have shaped artistic expression. The course will cover topics such as Renaissance art, modernism, non-Western art traditions, and contemporary art. Join us as we uncover the stories behind iconic artworks and deepen our understanding of the human experience through the lens of art history. (11 Weeks)


Hands-on introduction to the world of handicrafts. Our youngest students will learn basic skills in a fun, hands-on environment that will guide them into more advanced skills for creating handmade work. Older students will be guided through creating bespoke handmade pieces, developing their technical skills, and expressing creativity. Possible handicrafts include bookbinding, weaving, macramé, basket weaving, printmaking, creative reuse of materials, and more. (11 Weeks)

Life Skills B- Personal and Household Care :

Dive into skills needed to become thriving members of society. From cooking a meal to making simple clothing repairs, and many things in-between students will gain invaluable skills to last a lifetime. (11 Weeks)


This enrichment will allow students to learn developmentally appropriate movements and motor skills through activities such as Hopscotch and Swedish Drills for Halflings-Form 1 and various sports such as pickleball, kickball, and soccer for Forms 2-4.  Students will learn to work together while engaging in various fun physical activities. (33 Weeks)

Creative Writing:

Form 3 & 4 Only. This class is what is offered in lieu of PE.

Join our oldest students as we embark on the adventure of creative writing. Students will create short stories and essays in multiple fiction genres, including fantasy, mystery, adventure, and more. (33 Weeks)