Class Placement

We break each class into Forms, similar-aged students over multiple grades. Think of it like a micro-version of a one-roomed schoolhouse. The following breakdown of grades per form should be used as a guide. We also use Developmental Milestones to determine Form placement.

Halflings Ages 6 & 7 (must be age 6 by December of the current school year)


  • Ability to hold a pencil 

  • Know the letters of their name

  • Listen and follow simple directions from a non-parent adult

  • Ability to sit still for 5-10 minutes of lessons

Form 1 First Grade thru Third Grade


  • Listen and follow multi-step directions 

  • Beginning reading skills - letter/ phoneme recognition

  • Beginning writing skills - can complete 1-2 lines of copywork

  • Ability to sit still for 15-20 minutes of lessons

  • Ability to go without snacks for entire class block

Form 2 Forth Grade thru Sixth Grade


  • Fluent reader

  • Basic writing skills - 2-3 sentence written narration

  • Listen and follow complex directions

  • Ability to participate in groups

Have More Questions about Forms?

If you find yourself with questions about the most suitable form for your child, please contact us at

Form 3 Seventh Grade Thru Ninth Grade


  • Independent reader

  • Ability to write a cohesive paragraph

  • Research & organize information

  • Basic public speaking skills

  • Reflective thinking

Form 4 Tenth Grade Thru Twelfth Grade


  • Ability to analyze readings orally

  • Ability to write a basic 5 paragraph essay

  • Proficient public speaking skills

  • Basic understanding of the science of relationships